Serviced office versus home office

11 May 2021

Shared, Serviced Office Space

Over the lockdowns, there was a lot of talk about the future of work. With so many people discovering the joys of working remotely, it’s unlikely that business will return to the days of requiring everyone to be in the office together on a full-time basis. In fact, some large businesses are giving up their London offices in favour of remote working practices, or hybrid working using smaller, more cost-effective office spaces. There are also many companies that don’t have physical premises at all, and there are thousands of jobs in the UK advertised as being ‘remote’, principally those in the IT sector.

But remote working isn’t for everyone, and one recruiter discovered that more than a third of workers are actually missing their commute! Many people are uncomfortable with the isolation and distractions of working from home, and 27% of people say their mental health is suffering as a result. This can be balanced with the 25% who say their mental health has improved after working from home for so long.

If your company decides to adopt remote or even hybrid working practices, but you find home working difficult, don’t worry, there are other options in the form of serviced offices and shared office space.

So whether you’re working remotely or have decided to go it alone and set up your own business, which one is best for you – working at home or renting a serviced office? It’s up to you to decide what would suit you best of course, but here are our thoughts on the matter.

Home office

The best thing about working from home is that you have all the comforts of home at your disposal! The commute will be the shortest you’ve ever experienced, and the dress code is whatever you want it to be. Over lockdown, sales of formal business wear plummeted while pyjama sales rose, which proves what we always knew, that home workers prefer comfy clothing over suits and ties.

Another advantage of working from home is that you can be more flexible with your work-life balance. You no longer have to take time off work to wait for deliveries or appliance repairs, and you can get those little household jobs done when you need a screen break, meaning you’ll have to do less housework in your free time.

Unfortunately, there are many downsides to working from home. It can be very lonely working on your own all the time, and a lot of people find themselves becoming demotivated without people and activity going on around them. Many people feel they’re ‘always on’ and the line between work and home life becomes very blurred, which can be stressful. You’re also more likely to become distracted by comings and goings at home, and you can be interrupted at any time by the kids, neighbours and relatives who think that because you’re home it’s OK to make demands on your time.

And for people who don’t have a spare room or a garden large enough to build an office in, creating a working space encroaches on family space. No one is happy eating dinner surrounded by IT equipment and work files just because the dining room is the only place suitable for home working.

Serviced office and coworking space

Serviced office spaces offer remote workers and small businesses a professional office environment. For a cost-effective monthly fee, you can hire a desk or a lockable office, giving you the opportunity to leave your work in the office at the end of the day, which will mean you can reclaim your home and improve your work-life balance.

As utilities are included in the fixed costs, you won’t have to worry about the effect working at home in the winter will have on your heating and electricity bills.

Most of all, you’ll be surrounded by other working professionals who understand that when you want to work quietly you need to be left alone and who’ll help you out with a problem or query if they can. And there’ll always be someone to share a coffee and a chat with when you need to take a break.

With other professionals around them, many people find that working in an office setting is more motivating than working alone in a domestic environment. Not only are they likely to get more work done, but they’re also surrounded by business people representing a wide range of industries, which often creates new business opportunities. Well worth giving up your pyjamas for!

Are you opting for serviced office space? Try the UOE Hub

UOE’s serviced offices in Hertford take advantage of working in a busy office and are set in the centre of one of Hertfordshire’s most beautiful towns. They’re perfect if you want to work remotely but don’t have enough space at home or prefer to be surrounded by colleagues and be in a professional working atmosphere.

You’ll get all the advantages and flexibility of working from home, but with the bonus of being able to shut the door on your workspace at the end of the day (whatever time of the day or night that is) and make a clear distinction between work and home. Perfect for small companies, new start-ups, consultants and freelancers. Sound OK to you? Why not speak to us directly, and get in touch!

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