
Talk to us if you’re looking for a venue in Hertford for your business meeting, training session or networking event

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  • UOE event

    If you are looking for a venue to host your event in Hertford or St Albans, please get in touch with.

    UOE events in Hertford

    We host regular business networking events, training sessions and social events for local startups, freelancers, remote workers and small business owners. All forthcoming events are advertised on our website and also via our social media channels.

It’s friendly and quiet which allows me to focus on my work, away from the distractions of working at home or the interruptions to concentration working in a café.

Chris Dixon, Technical Director, ISNT Limited

With The Hub being the perfect place for small businesses to work and grow, and The Business Allotment’s strategy and training designed to do the same, by joining forces we can really help the local business community go from strength to strength

Jodie Newman

I set up my company working from home but as I started to acquire new clients I needed a better option. The extra productivity from having a place to work away from home effectively pays for the office itself. I’ve been here a year, during which there has been continued investment into the facilities by the office management. I would definitely recommend to anyone considering it.

Chris Hopwood, Founder – FS Partnership

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