Do you need to renew your passport?

21 Feb 2018

Passport renewal

Finally it seems like the short, dark days of winter are drawing to a close and we can look forward to our holidays. It doesn’t matter if you’re going skiing over Easter, taking a European city break, going on a Caribbean cruise, or spending a fortnight lounging on a beach, there’s one thing you will definitely need – an up-to-date passport!

So if you are planning a holiday, check your passport now. If it’s less than nine months before the expiry date, renew it now and save yourself a lot of bother, or even panic, by putting the task off until nearer the time.

Validate your passport for six months

If you’re travelling outside Europe, it is actually a requirement of many countries that your passport is valid for more than six months after your date of entry. So it’s more important than ever to check yours is in date now, or you risk not being allowed entry. To find out if this six-month restriction applies to the country you’re hoping to visit, check the entry requirements on the Foreign Travel Advice section of

Post Office Check & Send

Possibly the easiest and safest way to renew your passport is to use the Check & Send service at your local Post Office. For a small fee, you will get peace of mind that everything about your application is correct, potentially saving time having to change any errors or make amendments – which could turn out to be a lengthy process! Post Office counter staff will check through your application, making sure you’ve added all the information needed, that you have the right documentation and that your photos are acceptable – the majority of passport applications and renewals that are initially rejected are because of the quality of the photos, so you must follow the strict rules about what is acceptable.

Once the Check & Send staff are happy that your application is in order, your documents will be sent to the Passport Office by Special Delivery for added security.

Save time and money by using the passport Check & Send service at any of our Post Office & UOE Stores. Pick up an application form next time you’re in.

If you need a new passport urgently

Of course, if you have waited until the very last minute to renew your passport, you’ll need to use the one-day Premium or one-week Fast Track service at your nearest Government centre, and pay the extra costs this will involve. Click here to find out more details and your nearest centre.

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